Today I'm going to talk about a very common problem on the 9-5 cars, when the car gets a little old the One Way Valves system is starting to fail and when it happens there's a boost leak and your not getting your full boost from the turbo.
The main problem is when the valves are leaking there's a boost coming back to the engine management module and screwing up the calculation of the right amount of boost you need the get.
The lost boost cause because of the old valves are starting to stuck or breaking inside.
There's an easy fix to restore the lost boost to your car.
Also you notice that the stock valves made of plastic, I very recommended to replace them with
aluminium ones.
You can get a little kit for this job at
"SaabTuners" includes 2 one way valves and 1 vacuum line, with this kit you will have to use 1 stock vacuum line.
When the kit of the valves is not in stock it won't be shown on the web store.
so if you don't want to wait until it will be in stock you can order separately 2 one way valves and silicone vacuum lines.
What you need:
2 vacuum one way valves. 4mm
2 new vacuum lines. (Saab tuners say you can use the old ones, I prefer to change them to a silicone lines) 4mm
Here's a photo of the aluminium one way valves and the new silicone vacuum hose: (notice on my car the silicone hose are black)
So here is the process:
1. Getting more space and access to get the old valves which located near the steering wheel fluid, this will let you to reach the Valves without much problem.
Here is the bolt holding the steering fluid in place, take it out.
2. There's 2 valves we need to replace, 1 is located near the steering wheel fluid , Wrapped by a black cover, the second one you can find near the right headlight.
the valves connecting to a T splitter, you need to disconnect both of the cables from the T.
The T splitter marked in light blue and the valve near the steering fluid marked in red:
The valve near the right headlight:
3.To disconnect the cables and the valves you will have to cut them to make it easier to pull out.
(Thanks for SaabTuners for the photo)
4. When both of the sides pulled out of the T just pull them out of the other side,
one line is going to the throttle body, and one line is going to the turbo vacuum splitter.
Throttle body vacuum line:
The line to the turbo splitter:
5. After you took out both of the cables it's time to put the new ones with the new valves.
~~IMPORTANT: The one way valve got flow direction, make sure you put it right,
to check to flow direction of your valve just blow into it, if the air can flow freely you got the direction flow.
In our situation the the upper valve is one way to the throttle body, and the lower valve is one way to the turbo, it means the flow direction is away from the T splitter and not into the T splitter.
This is how it should look when you connecting it back: (Thanks for SaabTuners for the photo)
So that is the process, very nice job and restoring your lost boost for a cheap price.
Hope it will help you.
For any question you can contact me on the Facebook page: